It's hard to believe it is nearly the end of the year, making this the final blog post for Gifted Gorgeousness in 2023. Hosted by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching, this is a good opportunity to share the crafty gifts we have made and/or received each month.
December the first was our exchange opening day at Needlecraft Haven. I stitched Clare a snowman ornament and a robin Christmas card. The robin is a free design from La Comtesse & Le Point de Croix which can be found here and the snowman is from a Brittercup Design that was gifted to me by Ursh, a former Needlecraft Haven member. The snowman is stitched on a fabric that was gifted. I've shown the back of the ornament as well as I was pleased to find I had a piece of fabric that would suit.
Christmas Robin - La Comtesse & Le Point de Croix
Fabric: 40ct Zweigart Newcastle white linen
Threads: DMC 349, 630, 869, 3363, 3767, 3831, 3841
Winter is in the air (scissor fob design) - Brittercup Designs
Fabric: 25ct Unknown evenweave latte fabric
Threads: Suggested DMC threads

Back of Snowman ornament featuring another Snowman
I received this pretty ornament and other items from Gill. The threads are gorgeous and I'm looking forward to using them. In real life the bells on this ornament look 3D. The chocolate didn't last too long (LOL).
Needlecraft Haven Christmas exchange from Gill
I have completed the stitching on the Just Nan travelling pattern Tea with Honey. I have stitched 2023 as the year of completion on the base. That is my incentive to fully finish it as a cube before the year ends.
Overview of completed stitching and beading
Tea with Honey - Just Nan
Fabric: 28ct Zweigart Flax Cashel linen
Threads: Suggested DMC threads
Base of Tea with Honey with year added
Centre design of Tea with Honey
In 2022 Jardin Privé offered a free floral Temperature SAL on her site. I finally completed the stitching at the beginning of this week. I still intend to fully finish it as a cushion cover.
Projet Météo 2022 - Jardin Privé
Fabric: 32ct Zweigart Light Lilac linen
Threads: Suggested range of cool, warm and other DMC colours
and using a 4 degree Celsius range between colours
I am stitching something for myself. My intention is to complete this reindeer design from Punch Needle & Primitive Stitching (PNPS) as a drum pincushion.
Reindeers Winter - Liezbeth Gottschall of Thistles,
in PNPS Winter 2015
Fabric: 32ct Zweigart Belfast Natural linen with a gold thread
Threads: Suggested DMC threads except 3023 for 3024 and 3053 for 3052
I wish you all a Happy Christmas.